Aspects of contemporary art criticism worldwide

A partnership with AICA International

Whether they are articles published at the end of an AICA symposium or produced by Switch (on Paper) following an international call for papers, the texts in this dossier bear witness to the diversity, singularity and permanence of an art critic whose place remains more than ever necessary to grasp the issues at stake in the world, placing artists and culture at the heart of the debate. A partnership that materializes a community of spirit and the active support of Switch (on Paper) for art critics, whose status and future are the subject of in-depth reflection.

With the support of the Emerige Endowment Fund and Région Sud within the framework of Manifesta 13 Marseille.

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, The Day Nobody Died, 2008
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, The Day Nobody Died, 2008, Unique C-type, 762 x 6000 mm

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Order :

winter 2020

fall 2020

summer 2020